miðvikudagur, apríl 14, 2004
pjúff hvað það er mikið að gera í vinnunni hjá mér
og bara í lífnu mér finnst ég alltaf vera að taka próf eða gera ritgerðar!
hvar endar ?etta allt saman!?!
niðurstöðurnar eru að minnsta kosti þessar!
Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Cotton Candy
You're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on.
You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals.
Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have.
No wonder Cotton Candy is your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you!
What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
og svo ...
úff þetta háskólalíf og lærdómur er að fara með mig!
You Will Be a Traditional Bride!
You're the type of girl who is feminine, old fashioned, and totally traditional.
You've been dreaming of your wedding day since you were young
And you can't wait to be a princess in your big white gown.
It's likely that you'll have a big family wedding and take your husband's name
While a huge affair will be fun, just don't go all Bridezilla about the color of your napkins!
What Kind of Bride Will You Be? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
ok ?g held a? ?a? ver?i ekki fleiri pr?f ? dag
Your Dream Engagement Ring Has a Pear Diamond!
You're personal style is a mix of classic and contemporary, reseved and outgoing.
A pear diamond matches your charming personality - and is perfect to show off.
You've also got an elegant side, which is complemented a tear dropped shaped pear.
It's the perfect mix of Liz Taylor and Jessica Simposon - both wearers of this ring!
What's Your Dream Engagement Ring? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
....vá það er bara hægt að leggja ákveðið mikið á eina manneskju
You're Almost Ready to Get Married, But Not Quite
No doubt that you've warmed up to the idea of marriage and life long love
You just aren't quite ready to follow up with your desires, yet.
You may be a bit young, or a bit commitment phobic? give it time.
Concentrate on guys who you can imagine being with next year. Forever can wait.
Are You Ready for Marriage? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
fjúkket ... þá er próftírnin búin í dag ...
já ég hef sagt það áður og segi það enn að háskólalífið er sko ekkert sældarlíf ...
góðar stundir...
ElsaLund þegar klukkan er gengin 9:47 e.h.